The last message that I wrote was about being trapped in a tightly sealed box,
Now I got myself out of this box which authorities in this world has put me in,
I see that there are others that are trapped in this box,
The pain and the suffering in my heart when I see nothing torment to the people trapped in this box,
I see the innocent people being set free from those chains,
but all the other boxes that I see that have ended up in the fire.
I kept running to these boxes, screaming and crying with these tears flowing down my eyes, begging them to call on the name of Jesus.
What breaks my heart is how only a few people call, but only a few make it out while the others suffer in silence like a lifeless man in a coffin, deteriorating in that box.
Father, father, you opened my eyes to see what was really going on in this box.
I was clueless, so clueless that being trapped in captivity was gonna lead me to destruction.
The enemy is running after me oh lord to try and put me in an unbreakable box that even you would not be able to break me free this box,
Please, please, protect me oh lord from the snares of the enemies and from the deception of this dark world.
Hide me in a place, a secret place where the enemy can't find me in Jesus name. Amen.
I found myself in great peace,
I found myself with fear no more,
I found myself on the right side of the king,
I found myself being with God.